Sunday, March 27, 2011

Part 16-The Proof of Evolution!

26-03-2011-27-03-2011:After the Cross Country Run Yugi Feels Very Exhausted and Have a nap at Midnight Time....but in the Dream.....Yugi Now is Fight With Z-One In the Sky and Yugi Shows Proof may can Evolve Himself And His Good Mutual Friends"Signer Dragons[Life Stream Dragon]"was in te Triumph Sky....
Yugi:Hmmm....Mayb i can do Something can evolve Myself.......Oh ya! My Turn! Yugi Draw a Card i Use Magic Card Star Reunion! i can Revive Back 4 Monsters Back to the field but The Level Of Each Monster is Onlyy 1 from Graveyard! i Revive.Red Demon Dragon!Black Feather Dragon!Scrap Dragon and Trishula Dragon of Ice Barrier !
Z-One:What! You Can Revive for 4 Monsters !
Yugi:I Already Said The Fate Will be Change by us! the Friendship can changes our Life and Restore To Normal!
Yugi:Everyone! Teases of Friendship and Bonds i Use My Signer Dragons Of Power!
Daryl:This is it!
Sylvester:Yup our bonds for him i m trusted him
Js:Yugi now i can see your Proof Evolution! I m Trusted You too
Caius:Yeah! Yugi is our hope!
All The Signer Dragon Birthmark Gives to Yugi and Yugi's Whole Stardust Rider and Him Changes to Gold Type
Yugi/Haou:Opening The New Stage! Over Top Clear Mind!
All Dragons are Fly with him........Meanwhile...
Yugi:Level 8 Synchro Tuner Life Stream Dragon,Level 1 Scrap Dragon,Trishula Dragon of Ice Barrier,Black Feather Dragon and Red Demon Dragon Ultimate Tuning! Tease of The Ultimate Power Friendship and Bonds of the Proof of Evolution! Delta Over Accel Synchro!! Ultimate Astronomy! Shooting Quasar Dragon!!!!!
Shooting Quasar Dragon "RAWRRRRRR!!!!!"
Yugi:Z-One! This is The Team 5D's Power and The Proof Of Evolution!
It Ends
After Yugi Awakes Yugi Thought His Master Guide 3 is Arrived xD

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Part 15-Cross Country Run

21-03-2011-25-03-2011:After the Sence of Posting Exam Results and Holidays Over The Most of The Enthusiasm and Enegertic is Our School Cross Country Run Today in 6.30am i Reach U-Park when inside the Theater Stage I saw Form 1 Kiddos and My Friends at the Down Hil Stage ^^ in 7am until 10am We Are having more confidence to Run =D when We Starting Point Vincent Beh,Lee Pauu,Shiro Zq and Me are Shouting"Running Duel Acceleration!!" but when we run it Our Ah Hong Riding Motorbike to Advice here advice there =.= At last i was run through the Finish Line ^^ But Daryl slower than me ...... Haha But in 9.45am it is Rainning Heavily then We Open Umbrella and Share together but When Dismiss our Headmaster Call us close the umbrella then the whole Students Shout and BOO!!!!! them hahahax Then After Sing School Song Then Ah Goh Say "When we open umbrella say us no Respect the School"-.- at 10.30am they Arranges the school bus and etc We go back home together......^^ Today This is the most Fun Cross Country Run At all!! Running Duel Accleration!