Sunday, August 28, 2011

Season 3:Clash of Chaos 2011:Part 49-New Advancement Dragunity Returns

27-08-2011-28-08-2011:Whoa! Holidays is Begin since it is the first day So As usual Story Continuous it Today is Rainy Day =( And Yugi is The 1st Timer Overslept!!! >< Then keep Rushing to School In School Yugi seems so many people are staying at the School Foyer... it seems that today is clean the school and building a vision day for September 9th Event.... After Yugi Proceed to Canteen to Announce the Holiday Event Later on Yugi Goes to Astronomy Club At the Staircase Edward Splash his hand to Yugi and Say Hi to them After Finish The Cutesence All of them are going to Their Work 1st Destination They Are Cleanning The Astronomy's Stor keeper In Science Lab and transfered to Building Vision of 8th Floor to Place Them Properly Later on Take care the Goods of Astronomy Things but Kena Tse Min Pool Down to 7th Floor and Helps From Lower 6th People to clean and have some Chats After that Yugi Returns to Classroom Side and Helps to Sweep Floor only After Finish School Yugi Returns Home and Edit his Dragunity Deck into Neo Dragunity Deck^^ The Story will continue onwards today

Next:Part-50 Reunion of Hope

Friday, August 26, 2011

Part-48-Last Entrust of Self Decision

22-08-2011-26-08-2011:Well since A lot of Things happened in August and The Last Entrust is Examination is OVER!!!!!!!!! Well then since 5 days i dint write this little blog then start our Story Then After A Cutesence about Ry and His lifestyle...He Decomposed himself into Guiltiness when he is study any Subjects before Exam but the Good news is how when i dint study also get a Little A come back ...!?? but nevermind already a past is a past now holidays again ^^ So See you on tomorrow! Goodbye ^^

Season 1:Revival of the new Path(end) Part 1-24
Season 2:Decends of The New Adventure(end) Part 25-Part 48
Season 3:Clash of Chaos 2011 Part 49-Present
Next:Part 49-New Advancement Dragunity Returns

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Part 46-First Thought- Account Project

06-08-2011-17-08-2011:Sorry For Waiting For my Stories because it is feel busy working on Whole Day Forever and Today i willing to share which is My First Event Which is Our Giant Project! Akaun Folio @.@ haha this is first time i make the project anyway i share 2 decks in per month Last Month i Shared Photon Deck and Evol Deck of Strategies and Combos but i think is not enough Support Cards Around >.< hehe this time August i will share my Wind-Up but In Japan Romanji called: Zenmai and in Translate in English people Called Mainspring =D So Yugi Duels it and saw it too fast and fuzzy combo of Wind-Up Magician haha On My Second Event Which is on Last Tuesday is Mr Wong's Retirement Everyone Looks so happy and Sad for to Say Goodbye to Mr Wong haha but the most happy sence which is We Sang songs together and have a Thunder Appaluse to them and at the same time Account Project Decends on Yugi but in guiltiness Yugi needs hand to write again !! >.< So Stay Tuned !! xD Good Bye

Next Episode
Part 47-Guilty of Examination

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Part 40-Despite Guilty on Studues and Further Studies in Future

01-08-2011-05-08-2011:Yawn!!! Finaly Busy Day is Over and Say Hi to New Month August it decends through my life again From 3 and From 5 is No need Come To Co-Curiculum Already.Now Continue our Story Yugi and Friends Are Taking Their 3 Weeks of Revision before 2A Examination Begins When Yugi is At home midnight Yugi Knows Through He is feeling Guilty when he previous Exam didnt study well and study further and makes it neatly And the next day of last 2 Period which is Additional Mathematics and Chinese Period,Yugi and Friends Proceed through Education Fair to Get information about their Future Yugi and his Bro-Shiro gets a lot of Browser for Their Beyond Future of Further Studies or Working Forever? Yugi Seeks his Future College Which is TARC to get more information while he wants to Taking Financial Accounting ACCA as his Future at the second option Yugi asks For Mathematics course...Yugi find first course which is Appliance Mathematics in INti College but Pure Mathematics is in Japan Schools After finish hour Education Fair Yugi Realized Studies is only the hope of Beyond Future ^^

Next:Part 41-Despite Hell of Darkness and Lonliness