Monday, October 31, 2011

Season 4:Imperial of Chaos 2011 Part 61- Empty Shadow of Eclipse! First time VG Box Opening

29-10-11-31-10-11:Well Exam is over and we had a lot of fun due to the weekend but at the morning when Yugi Vs Jonathan of His Lightlord deck his eye sights sense a purple Aura at all but dont know what is it and the his sound changes to the Anger about Victory and He Shouts "FINAL TURN!" after his VG Duel and he's purple aura dissappear Yugi and KRS have to learn how to use woods to extract the Fires and Our President and helper are teaching how to Form a Tent and it ends after Yugi wents back home and feeling very unwell then have a small nap after that he dreams about his imagination about The Darkness of Heart and he get a new ability as his on the purple aura the second event is The VG BT04 opening day me and Ah Huat both open 2 boxes and Ah Huat complete his Dimensional Police and the most but not least is Yugi completed his Royal Paladin of Glameux Base ^^
Stay Tuned
Character:Yugi Ry Ganseki Shiro Ah Huat and Kenny Leong
Minor Character:KRS
Next:Part 62- PsyQualia!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Part 60-Finish of the Dark solve

28-10-2011:well this is lastly of Yugi mocks on the Darkness now later on Yugi Returns and a lot of Friends miss him >< btw Exam is over and hands up on it well haha well today we may talk until here so meet in next Time

Bye :D

Character:Yugi Ry
Minor Sence:School Exam

Season 1:Revival of the new Path(end) Part 1-24
Season 2:Decends of The New Adventure(end) Part 25-Part 48
Season 3:Clash of Chaos 2011(end) Part 49-Part 60
Season 4:Imperial of Chaos 2011 Part 61-Present
Next:Part 61-Empty Shadow of Eclipse! First time VG Box Opening

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Part 58-Darker Than Hell of War

11-10-2011-14-10-2011:Well Yugi is back for the Real World on the sense of imagination but he is unconcious when a lot of Trigger risk need him to solve at the same time today i m not talk much off the Story because i m need to prepare The Fate Battle Soon >< So stay tuned :D

Character:Yugi Ry
Next:Part 59:Preparation of Fate Battle

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Part 57 Lost or Found of Wound Between The War

03-10-2011-06-10-2011:Well This time is it the War of Imagination of Planet Cray For Yugi's Imagination... Well Yugi sleeps a lot of days during whole spirit is off but Yugi seems his Junk Doppel Deck and Realized his last time tournament he lost a lot and get Anger to Fight on but he lost his sense in any minute due to he win Hong Heng and the sence about Nikles Cheers Yugi Up and it fades Later on Yugi wakes and realized he lost his wounded around the whole thing but Now Yugi Feels Diminished around the whole job around and fells down once more
To Be Continued
Main Character:Yugi Ry
Minor Sence:03-09-2011 Sence
Next Part 58-Darker Than Hell of War