Friday, June 10, 2011

Part 27-Yugi And Shooting Quasar Dragon Decends

09-06-2010:Well Then Today is our Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Club Competition 2011 xD In The Way Many Duelists are coming today YEAH!!!! Dueling is Fun Isn't xD Today 7.30am Yugi Awakes xD Then 8.45am Sharp Yugi Meets Shinigami At The Same Time Hong Heng And Jia Herng Arrives but Jun Shean Doesn't Arrived Yet! Then i leave Shinigami and Hong Heng to Play Card before Jun Shean Arrives After Jun Shean Arrives...Kevin Arrive! Oh ya Josef and Ryann too =D Later on Wilson Keong and Haur Cheng Arrive at the same time then Kevin and Me Are Frightened because They Want To Anti-Chris to Top 8 They Refuses xD After WF Comes Kevin telled me We Hiring Duelist all of them are Love To Settle Chris! Wakaakaka We Feel Happy lor xD At 12pm The Stupid Rain Heavily! =.= Lucky Chen Hoong Arrives and Let Us to Buy Mc.Donald xD After i Buy 14 Sets They Eat 13 Sets 1 Set Remainning Then Yugi Plays Them and BOO!!! haha After that Popolee Pauu Reaches Yugi's Place Then We Going To The Base And Start Duel!!!!!!! =D 1st Swiss xD Yugi vs Popolee Pauu Yugi Shot With His Trump Card Stardust Dragon Within 1 Minute in 2 Rounds in 2nd Swiss Yugi Vs Llyod The Red Demon Deck User After He Synchro Summons Scar Red Nova Dragon Yugi Feel He is Gotta Lost At That Time Later on Yugi Activates Enemy Controller To Release Junk Gardna And Direct Attacks in 3rd Swiss Yugi Vs Kevin: Yugi Sents Out His Massive Friend! Shooting Quasar Dragon to Beat Kevin in a Shot! xD but in Top 8 Yugi and Shooting Quasar Dragon Lose in bad luck In Lose Top 4 Yugi Beats Chen Hoong and Top 2 Yugi Vs his Rival Again Jun Shean! xD This Time Jun Shean Used Countdown Deck xD In 1st Round of 19th Turn Which is Yugi's Turn He Tried To Call Out His Friend Shooting Star Dragon to Solve The Count down =.= As it he wins the 1st Round But 2nd Round he loses In 3rd Round Time Yugi Proceeds Formula Synchron+Ally Of Justice Castator+Junk Warrior and Limit Over Accel Synchro to Shooting Quasar Dragon to Win Jun Shean's Countdown Deck And Yugi is Proceed To Top 5 xD Today i m feel happy because i almost get Champion xD

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