Friday, September 9, 2011

Part-52:Results of School Reunion

05-09-2011-09-09-2011:We are back to School Life once again but There's a lot of messy about Ry's School Table >< but denied it then so Results and Corrections Finalized This week so it begins our new Final Journey then After All Yugi feel unConcious about his True Image but nevermind then and its Friday of September since Few Days All Teachers and Students are Coorporate about The Heng Ee High School 55th Aniversery Annual Dinner ^^So they are Cleaning whole thing once Again but the bad news is Our Final Exam Starts on 14th October 2011 until The End of October =.= but nevermind it is the Fate betwen me and Add Maths >< hehe so i think no stories for This Week just a little Risk due to 2A Examination and Take a Rest a week And Start Secure The Last Exam with Encounters My Fate in 5M or 5E on next year... Gambateh lo
Character:Yugi Ry and School Friends
Next:Part 53:Rejoins my New Clan! Royal Paladin!

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