Sunday, February 13, 2011

Part 9-潜入! 新学员的教学 (Infiltrate! The teaching of new students)

11-02-2011-13-02-2011- 时间过得很快了。。。 游戏王研究学会的声誉让我 一手包办的执委会们 也上升了不少。。。。 这个要谢谢我和友情的牵绊的合作信赖和力量来完成它了。。昨天 我们聊了。。研究学会里的新生的教学和训练成为可以训练友情的牵绊的信赖。。哈哈。。再过几个星 期。。也就是我们的初次决门的学校考试了。。。 所以。。。 大家。。。 以信赖来考试吧。。

(Subbed) Time Flies so fast....The reputation of Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Club is being make by myself are increases......This plan must thanks to my friendship and bonds of coorperation....trustworthy..and power of Finishing that...Yesterday,We discuss about the Duelist Club of New duelist member of teaching and Train them become a Train of Friendship and Bonds of Trustworthy..haha Few Weeks later.....Is our First Duel of School of You...Make a Effort on it and Trustworthy on Examination

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