Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Part 7- 除夕的夕夜(New Year's Eve's Eve night)

01-02-2011-05-02-2011:" 一天天。。。一年年。。。天 天 都是好天"哇!!!!万岁了。。。听到这首新年歌。。让我回想起。。农历新年要来临咯。。。 当我每天经过超级市场。。都会播放这首新年歌。。让我觉得有新年气氛。。 哈哈哈哈哈哈。。 我也喜欢新年。。 因为可以扫红包哦。。恭喜发财。。。也是我的口头哦。。 今天是除夕夜了。。 许多朋友。。 都回家乡过年了。。。 除了我 年初一才回家乡。。 那个时候。。 脸又红了。。 因为喝太多水咯。。。 哈哈。。。 过了新年初一 和初三后。。。 又回味开学了。。。 在这里。。。 祝大家过一个美好的除夕的夕夜。。 新年快乐^^

(Subbed)"Day by day. . . Year after year. . . Days days is a good day"Whoa!!!!Long live had over....
I had heard the New Year Song..Made me recall the..Happy Chinese New Year is coming soon....
When I every day after the supermarket....Will play the first New Year song. . Made me feel the atmosphere of New Year....hahahahahaha..I love Chinese New Year..because can get Angpaus...
Gong Xi Fa Chai also my talks...Today is the New Year's Eve....All of my friends are went back to their Hometown for Lunar New Year...Expect me first day going back to hometown...meanwhile...face red soon....because Drink too much water....haha...After first day and the third day.....School Reopen again... At the same time......I wishes all of my friends have a nice of New Year's Eve's Eve night....Happy Chinese New Year^^

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