Saturday, May 28, 2011

Part 24-End of the Day After Tomorrow

18-05-2011-29-05-2011:ahahas long time din write my stories during exam days i m feel exaushed liao haha nevermind i can still get some sleep in holiday life =P now in exam our 4m2 class are very ampia-ing lor but me also got pia my books at the same time we can kapsiao le xD in exam days is feel of darkness but you know in the whole day and whole night we study until the eleventh hour =.= but nevermind i wont regret it after exam! Jiayou and happy holidays =D

Season 1:Revival of the new Path(end) Part 1-24
Season 2:Decends of the New Adventure Part 25-Present
Next Epsiode: Part 25-No.39 Aspiring Emperor Hope Decends! (Number 39 Utopia)

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