Sunday, July 31, 2011

Part 38-Double Team..Double Overall Champion

27-07-2011-29-07-2011:Huhuhu!! Not Again!!! My Bm Oral is Finished!! So...Its Over Then haha This Time is Our School Sport Day it was to happier than last year.. Friday morning Yugi and his Family to Eat Curry Mee For Breakfast Later on Yugi saw Scouts taking their Breakfast too hehex After Back Home Yugi's Stomach got Problem before Through Home @.@ and i get through Toilet and take a while >.< After Yugi returns Home his Sister Call Him to Buy KFC Breakfast Riser by Himself @.@ then Yugi Went Out Again =.= After finish Eat as his Lunch Yugi Went to Stadium Bandaraya Lorong Kulit ^^ When Yugi Reach his Destination through Stadium He Realized He didnt Take his Cellphone!! @.@ and He Forgets to buy sweet for Eat =.= After that Yugi see Kean Pauu and 4S7 Members to Playing Form 2 Prefects and loafing Around @.@ Then Kean Pauu Talk jokes and We laugh haha After the opening Ceremony the Symphony Band and all Pembarisan Lintas Hormat /Marching Competitions of Uniforms Descends their Profesionlist Hormat All The Audience Bet StJohn Will Pay back to Prefect Board This time......After That all the students to appalluse them and Shout to Support Them This is a Kind of Happiness wakakaaka When We Drink The Mineral Water Our Back Elfs "Ewe Ee" and his friends to Call a Intel Girl "Leng Lui" @.@ =.= and Our Good Friend Ching Yang wants to Take Food From Mang Hong and Calvin but they don wan give wor haha and We laugh laugh and laugh !! xD Later on The Closing Ceremony The Girls Guides and Cadet Bomba get Bronze Medal ^^ After That KPA,Scouts and Cadet Police Gets Silver Meal At Last But not Least Gold Medal Wents to Kadet Remaja Sekolah,Prefect Board and St.John Ambulance ^^ This is too "Wow!" now! they announce this year got 2 Uniformed Groups Gets Overall Champion Which is St.John and Prefect Board Everyone Thought is Double Team.Double Overall Champion and It Congratulations to Them and We Encore Them ^^ After Finish for Prizes Getting Our Headmaster lets Those whom Are Sit Bus and us then back to their Home Sweet Home^^ This Year...Is Very Good Memories on Sports Day Hope It Will be more Fun ^^

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Part 36-Photon Shockwave!

18-07-2011-23-07-2011:Huhuhuhu! Finish my Chinese Oral Test Already and its too Free then my story still continue Today Yugi Invited Jun Shean to come Yugi's House to Open Yugi's New Box Called :Photon Shockwave! Cover Card Which is Kaito Tenjo's Trump Card :Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon xD At The Same Time Yugi Gets the 6 cards in this box opened Yugi Gets a New Number ! Which is No.83 Galaxy Queen Yugi didnt Expected it this box is a good box for hom ^^ Later on Yugi Takes 2 new Decks on in The Repair Deck box to Wait for Finish the Whole Segment After That Yugi Procced and Train Himself to Get and Exceed Summon Rank 1 Monster-Galaxy Queen and Tries to Called Out His Trump Card-Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon and Yugi left 3 numbers to Go which is No.17 Revise Dragon,No.10 Illumiknight and No.20 Gig Anto Brill Ant and More Numbers will be in Malaysia !!!! After i Get No.39,No.34 and No.83 i have a Big Achievement That Achievement is I Want to Collect Numbers ! @.@ After That Yugi's Mother Request Jun Shean to Teach him Mathematics and Additional Mathematics ! xD Hope Before Exam will be Fine on this July !!!
To Be Continued
1)Photon Shockwave 1 Box Result !
I)Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (Ultra Rare)
II)No.83 Galaxy Queen (Super Rare)
III)Evolkaiser Ragia (Ultra Rare)
IV)Thunder End Dragon (Ultimate Rare)
V)Wind-Up Hunter (Super Rare)
VI)Extra Gate (Super Rare)
2)First 3 Numbers
I)No.39 Utopia
II)No.34 Terror-Byte
III)No.83 Galaxy Queen
Today's Card-Yugi Ry
Photon Stream of Destruction!
Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Part 35-Return of The Fruit King Destination! Balik Pulau

11-07-2011-17-07-2011:Haizz This Few Days My Brother went to International Camping and my Mood Is become too bad le haha but After i meet my brother i feel very happy and my Happiness is back to normal !! haha Today Yugi moods is So~so but his Pencil Box Is Missing T.T But hope can find it back ^^Today After My Science Tution Yugi and Familes went to Balik Pulau for Eat Durians but our First Destination Yugi Wents to Laksa Stalls and Get 1 Nutmeg Juice as for warm up later on Its Durian Time !! haha My Dad Buys a Lot of Durian for Us and Eat until we happy After back Home its A Lack of Tired but need to Finish my Homework!! If not Kena Tan Swee Chin BOOM Liao >.<
P/s Good Luck For Oral Test >.<

18/07-Homeworks of Jobs
19/07-Account Tution Again
20/07-Guilty night
21/07-Cant Sleep Ady
22/07-Photon Shockwave! xD
Next:Part 36-Photon Shockwave!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Part 34-Sneak to Dimension of New Creatures

03-07-2011-10-07-2011:Well then After The Night Concert Yugi and Friends Are looking foward to the next event =D now Yugi and Friends are very happy because Yugi Create new Creatures to himself haha so now i think next week is our School Sports Day so i think this time i dint have a lot of Story to Tell And Good News is Yugi Finishes His New Deck Which is Hero Beat(Shining Base) and Refaces The Dark World Later on Yugi Decides to Renew His 3 Deck become Stronger Which is Photon Deck,Darkness Dragon Grave Boost Deck and His Previous Year Deck Which is Nordic /Aesir Deck haha so see you on next Episode Then

Part 35-Photon Shockwave!!
Galaxyeyes Photon Dragon! Photon Destruction Stream!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Part 33-1M,1S,1M Cross Country Run Again and Outings for Transformer III

01-07-2011-03-07-2011:Whoa!!!!!! New Month Already ^^ our Good Friend July wakakaa Lucky hope day....ok la Enough of the big chats... Today is School Holiday because of Annual Concert^^ Today Yugi awakes in 9.45am morning and Changing Shirts and Eat Breakfast for 10 Minute then Yugi proceeds to 1st Avenue haha After Half An Hour Jonathan(Bird Egg),Ah Loh and His Brother and the Same time i meet a new Friend From Jonathan,,Which is Bing Tao and Andrew haha After Buy the Cinema Ticket then We go Play Game....Yugi,Ah Loh and his brother playing the Street basketball LOL 1st Match Ah Loh Get the Highest Score @.@ In The 2nd Match Yugi and Ah Loh Proceed into Stage but After Stage 2 Yugi Gets 1st Liao^^After That Yugi Teams With Ah Loh and Jonathan Teams with Bing Tao for Playing the Hockey Game and They Gets DRAW for Results @.@ Later on Game outside Yugi Saw Kean Pauu,Chi Him at the same time wakaka Later on our Late Bird(Andrew) Reaches then We watch Transformer III 3D =D Jonathan and Bing Tao they eat popcorn until we laugh haha at The Same Time We meet a Robot Which is Optimus Prime wakaka After Watch Yugi and Friends went to Prangin mall for Lunch xD but The Andrew ply Brain Game until we laugh hahaha When Yugi Reach Prangin...Yugi is Working in Yu-Gi-Oh Comunity for a few Minutes then he Went back home....
Well On The next Day..which is 1M,1S and 1M Running Event liao >.< Our English Teacher Say we[4m2] so energentic for Run haha and See Kean Pauu talk Jokes ^^ That was Funny >.< After That Our Disipline Ah Hong sent form 1,2,3 and 5 to the canteen for eating then Ah Hong Say To Form 4 "Sorry la" Then We laugh haha After 3 minutes,Ah Hong Said"Form 4 Eat Until The Uniform Activity Starts" Then We clap hands haha After Went back to KRS Yugi Trust his new life will be very challanging^^ So Then See You Next Time ^^ July:You're The Next!
This Week Card:Yugi Ry's 2nd No.
2 Monster Will Become Overlaid Network! Exceed Summon!!!! No.17 Revise Dragon!!!!
(Holographic Rare)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Part 32-New Entertainment Discover

25-06-2011-30-06-2011:After Yugi Gets his Fire HERO Which is-Elemental HERO Nova Master he is proceed to the HERO Deck Already...Yugi Cures his Sadness During Wednesday.....But Yugi Finally Give Up His Beyond Love Since Last Year Till now Later on a Girl Named"Yan Ying"in Facebook Just Cheer Yugi Up Until Now....The Next Day,Yugi's Brother Shiro also Cheer Yugi Up Too :) But Yugi Still Cannot Forget Her...After That Yugi Sleeps an Hour and Forget the Past In His Mind....After That Yugi meets Yan Ying In Facebook Chat Box Again before Yugi holds on the Dinner And Yugi Starts Chat With Her Meanwhile Yugi Sms With Her Together.......After That,Yugi's Good Friend Ahmad Post These Photos when Yugi,Shiro,Lee Jie,Rigel,Yong Sheng and Ahmad Are Playing a Fool....They Put Ingredients Inside the Coca-Cola =.= After that Ahmad Drink the most...They Put more Chili Sauce and Tomato Sauce and French Fires into The Cola =.= After That Yugi is being happy at this momment At Night...Yugi Decides To Strike Out His New Discover and Remove The Past By His Mind Starting July With His Friends now he has a new Target Which is Yan Ying Will is it true about the 2 or no???
Yan Ying...You're Forever the Best <3