Sunday, July 3, 2011

Part 33-1M,1S,1M Cross Country Run Again and Outings for Transformer III

01-07-2011-03-07-2011:Whoa!!!!!! New Month Already ^^ our Good Friend July wakakaa Lucky hope day....ok la Enough of the big chats... Today is School Holiday because of Annual Concert^^ Today Yugi awakes in 9.45am morning and Changing Shirts and Eat Breakfast for 10 Minute then Yugi proceeds to 1st Avenue haha After Half An Hour Jonathan(Bird Egg),Ah Loh and His Brother and the Same time i meet a new Friend From Jonathan,,Which is Bing Tao and Andrew haha After Buy the Cinema Ticket then We go Play Game....Yugi,Ah Loh and his brother playing the Street basketball LOL 1st Match Ah Loh Get the Highest Score @.@ In The 2nd Match Yugi and Ah Loh Proceed into Stage but After Stage 2 Yugi Gets 1st Liao^^After That Yugi Teams With Ah Loh and Jonathan Teams with Bing Tao for Playing the Hockey Game and They Gets DRAW for Results @.@ Later on Game outside Yugi Saw Kean Pauu,Chi Him at the same time wakaka Later on our Late Bird(Andrew) Reaches then We watch Transformer III 3D =D Jonathan and Bing Tao they eat popcorn until we laugh haha at The Same Time We meet a Robot Which is Optimus Prime wakaka After Watch Yugi and Friends went to Prangin mall for Lunch xD but The Andrew ply Brain Game until we laugh hahaha When Yugi Reach Prangin...Yugi is Working in Yu-Gi-Oh Comunity for a few Minutes then he Went back home....
Well On The next Day..which is 1M,1S and 1M Running Event liao >.< Our English Teacher Say we[4m2] so energentic for Run haha and See Kean Pauu talk Jokes ^^ That was Funny >.< After That Our Disipline Ah Hong sent form 1,2,3 and 5 to the canteen for eating then Ah Hong Say To Form 4 "Sorry la" Then We laugh haha After 3 minutes,Ah Hong Said"Form 4 Eat Until The Uniform Activity Starts" Then We clap hands haha After Went back to KRS Yugi Trust his new life will be very challanging^^ So Then See You Next Time ^^ July:You're The Next!
This Week Card:Yugi Ry's 2nd No.
2 Monster Will Become Overlaid Network! Exceed Summon!!!! No.17 Revise Dragon!!!!
(Holographic Rare)

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