Sunday, January 30, 2011

Part 6- 黑暗与邪恶龙盟再续加入决门世界(Dark Dragunity of Evil Rejoins The World)

24-01-2011-31-01-2011: 再续我们的旅程吧。。。今晚是我16岁生日哦。。。也是我们2011游戏王研究学会的特殊聚会哦。。。。 我也很高兴因为有比赛哦。。。 开始时。。各位决门者 以严肃的表情来决门。。 我也不例外。。。。哈哈。。。 过了一个小时。。。 也 就 是 我 们 最 后2强的 决门了。。。。。哈哈。。。。 就是我们的海马濑人和武藤游戏的俊贤和小颖又决门了。。。。仗 势旗鼓相当- 你争我夺。。。在 第一 局里。。。俊贤先胜出。。。 过 后下一局。。。 小颖竟然 使用了黑暗龙盟的邪恶威力来对付了。。。。 不过。。。最后。。 还是输了。。 不过还很开心呢 过了决门世界杯。。 我们就下去谈天咯。。 今天我很开心。。因为我渡过了一个很美丽又热血沸腾的决门和生日哦。。 也谢谢 大 家的祝福。。。。^^

(Subbed)Continue Our Story......Tonight is my 16th Years old Birthday....At the same time is our 2011 Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Club of Special Gathering...I m very happy because have a Duel Fortune Cup Competiton...When Starts All of Duelists are very Confidence to Duel it.......include me....haha After 1 Our Kaiba Seto and Mutou Yugi of Jun Shean and Yugi Duels Again.... Potential well-matched battle - scramble in First Round...Jun Shean Wins......Next Round...Yugi uses his ultimate Dark Dragunity and Evil power for Fight.....But...Final Scheme....Lost Again......although very happy for it....After Duel Fortune Cup Tournament....We going down stairs to have a chit-chat.....Today i m happy because i had a very nice and Passionately of Dueling and Birthday.....and thanks to my friends of Regards^^

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