Sunday, January 30, 2011

Part 6- 黑暗与邪恶龙盟再续加入决门世界(Dark Dragunity of Evil Rejoins The World)

24-01-2011-31-01-2011: 再续我们的旅程吧。。。今晚是我16岁生日哦。。。也是我们2011游戏王研究学会的特殊聚会哦。。。。 我也很高兴因为有比赛哦。。。 开始时。。各位决门者 以严肃的表情来决门。。 我也不例外。。。。哈哈。。。 过了一个小时。。。 也 就 是 我 们 最 后2强的 决门了。。。。。哈哈。。。。 就是我们的海马濑人和武藤游戏的俊贤和小颖又决门了。。。。仗 势旗鼓相当- 你争我夺。。。在 第一 局里。。。俊贤先胜出。。。 过 后下一局。。。 小颖竟然 使用了黑暗龙盟的邪恶威力来对付了。。。。 不过。。。最后。。 还是输了。。 不过还很开心呢 过了决门世界杯。。 我们就下去谈天咯。。 今天我很开心。。因为我渡过了一个很美丽又热血沸腾的决门和生日哦。。 也谢谢 大 家的祝福。。。。^^

(Subbed)Continue Our Story......Tonight is my 16th Years old Birthday....At the same time is our 2011 Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Club of Special Gathering...I m very happy because have a Duel Fortune Cup Competiton...When Starts All of Duelists are very Confidence to Duel it.......include me....haha After 1 Our Kaiba Seto and Mutou Yugi of Jun Shean and Yugi Duels Again.... Potential well-matched battle - scramble in First Round...Jun Shean Wins......Next Round...Yugi uses his ultimate Dark Dragunity and Evil power for Fight.....But...Final Scheme....Lost Again......although very happy for it....After Duel Fortune Cup Tournament....We going down stairs to have a chit-chat.....Today i m happy because i had a very nice and Passionately of Dueling and Birthday.....and thanks to my friends of Regards^^

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Part 5- 补课日 (School Replacement)

17-01-2011-23-01-2011:三个星期之后。。。小颖和朋友们还是很厌倦的样子>.< 因为昨天学校补课让下个星期一。。。。今天。。小颖在学校遇到建伟。。。 不过建伟带卡来学校 =X只不过要提醒他可能有突击检查~>.< 不幸运的小颖又在学校睡觉了。。。。 和庆扬一样。没有做功课
哈哈。。 然而最幸运的是星期四没有上学,因为是公共假期^^下个星期是命运决门杯了。。。 各位加油哦。。。我也不例外。。。哈哈哈

(Subbed) 3 Weeks later Yugi and Friends still in tired mode >.< school ="X">.< haha unluckily Yugi Sleep in Class again. same with Ching Yang also didnt finish homework haha but lukily is no school on Thursday because is public holiday ^^ Next Week is the Duel Fortune Cup Tournament......Hope You Guys have fun.... include me....hahaha~

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Part 4-第1次决战的课外活动 (First Battle of Co-curiculum)

12-01-2011-15-01-2011:第二个星期已经过去了.......好...继续我们这个故事。。。觉得伤感吧。。 只会睡觉的我还会听课哦。。。 哈哈哈哈哈。。那么初次的课外活动在今天也开始了哦。。。。。 觉得课外活动好过上课日。。 因为爱睡。。 而最开心的是我们的历史老师。。 很会叫学生宝贝。 其实是很普通。。。。因为开玩笑嘛。。 哈哈。。 我们的5D's的决门学会也开始了首先最高兴的是认识了更多新手决门者。。。 哈哈哈哈哈。。 明天再续哦。。。因为有游戏王决门学会的活动开始了。。。 各位。。。。。。加油吧!!!!!
Subbed:The 2nd week is past already...well continue our story....
Feel sad now...for me always sleep at class also can hear teacher teaching...hahahaha...well then the first of co-curiculum start today.....
feel that co-curiculum better than school days because of sleepy...but the most happy is my History Teacher always call students"baby"Actually is normal because of play fun haha Our Team 5D's of Duelist club begins First of all the most happy is knew many Beginner Duelist....hahahahaa Starting Tomorrow...because Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Club Activities begins~My Friends~Add Oil!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Part 3- 会计补习3小时!????( Account Tution 3 hours!????)

10-01-2011-14-01-2011:那么返回到我的故事...再次早晨。。我觉得大部分学校是在国语节。。。上周六我去补习高级数学与普通数学。。。感到非常高兴又喜欢多媒体教学“哈哈哈哈然后回家....回家时。。 会计老师打电话父母。它说:“会计补习在下午6时至晚上9时Walao1科3小时@@
的小孩子 哈哈哈哈哈哈 xD
(Subbed) Well return back to my story again In morning I Feel Sleepy in school mostly during Malay Period By the way last saturday i go to Mr Chin's Additional Mathematics and Modern Mathematics Tution i feel very like so much "LCD multimedia" hahahaha After Finish Tution Then go back home....When back home somence call my parents. it says:"Account Tution form 6pm-9pm" Walao eh! 3 hours per 1 subject @.@ so then i love mathematical Account so much wakakaa anyway This thursday is my house pratice^^ Hope can meet more friends expacially kiddies of form 1 xD

Friday, January 7, 2011

Part 2-满足与教师和学生的问候(Meet and Greet of Teachers)

07-01-2011-10-01-2011:开学也要一个星期了哦......希望大家还过得安乐和平凡的生活....我也不例外和我的中四班级.......哈哈哈......也不忘本2010年的毕业生相处的机会比较鲜少了.....觉得变了很多尤其是朋友之间的关系有一个很不密切的感觉.....有时候...真的很孤单......没有了朋友.....觉得进入绝望的黑暗了...好吧.......继续我们的故事吧.........我们的班还是不相识哦......除了自己 认识的朋友......不过我相信久而久之...班上 会成为 最吵的一班哦...哈哈哈哈哈哈...先说我的老师吧..........有些老师对我来说...是个很不错的老师...今年的老师比较幸运咯....哈哈哈.....不过有迟课=.= 哈哈.... 没关系那么下个星期就是色队练习......大家......加油吧.....别给自己压力咯!

Subbed:After One Week of School Reopen...Hope Yugi And Friends Also flies well-being and an extraordinary life...Including me and my Form 4 Classes..hahaha...Not forgetting the graduates in 2010 compared rarely the opportunity to be together.. That changed a lot, especially the relationship between friends there is a quite closely feeling....sometimes feel lonley ... no friends Feel Despair into the darkness....Ok....Continue our story...We did not know each other yet...In addition to his acquaintances......but I think After some time...the class will be the most noisy class forever.....hahahahahaha...About our Teachers....Some Teachers for me is a good and kind teacher..This Year of teacher is lucky year....hahaha....But got late class=.=haha....Nevermind,
Next Week is our House Pratice........Now everyone......Come not give yourself the pressure slightly!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Part 1- 新的途径。。 新的冒险(New Path New Adventure)

03-01-2011-07-01-2011:开学的 第 一 天又来临咯。。 小颖与大家又相遇了。。不过分班到不同的班级了 我是进中四数学班咯。。 哈哈。。 不过也有拿高级数学,会计,经济学和中国文学。由于 我的华语不好。。 所以尽力而为啦。。。 哈哈哈。。 刚进班的时候 蛮会伤脑筋的咯。。 哈哈。。 不过也算了。 哈哈 那么先说我的班吧。。 对我来说很多新人。。 至少一半。 哈哈。 虽然是很 陌生。。 不过。 我觉得。 新一天。。 新开始。。 新的朋友。。 哈哈 觉得好没有自信的。哈哈哈哈
各位。 加油吧。。2011的旅程展开了

Subbed:First Day of School Reopen is arrived Yugi and Friends Were meet in school again...but Split to not same class which is Science Stream,Maths Stream,Art Stream and Account Stream...
Yugi Choose Form 4 Maths Stream(4M)Class...haha at least he take
Additional Maths,Accounting,Economics and Chinese Literature..because of my chinese not good enough so i must put effort of it haha...Before go in to the class is very troublesome..haha Its over for introduce our Class 4M2...for me is a lot of new faces but not least if half friends i knew...haha Although is not very ok but This is my New Day,new Adventure,New Friends haha but this time no Confidence about it haha Anyway,All of you~ make an all-out effort
2011 of Adventure Begins