Sunday, January 23, 2011

Part 5- 补课日 (School Replacement)

17-01-2011-23-01-2011:三个星期之后。。。小颖和朋友们还是很厌倦的样子>.< 因为昨天学校补课让下个星期一。。。。今天。。小颖在学校遇到建伟。。。 不过建伟带卡来学校 =X只不过要提醒他可能有突击检查~>.< 不幸运的小颖又在学校睡觉了。。。。 和庆扬一样。没有做功课
哈哈。。 然而最幸运的是星期四没有上学,因为是公共假期^^下个星期是命运决门杯了。。。 各位加油哦。。。我也不例外。。。哈哈哈

(Subbed) 3 Weeks later Yugi and Friends still in tired mode >.< school ="X">.< haha unluckily Yugi Sleep in Class again. same with Ching Yang also didnt finish homework haha but lukily is no school on Thursday because is public holiday ^^ Next Week is the Duel Fortune Cup Tournament......Hope You Guys have fun.... include me....hahaha~

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