Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Part 1- 新的途径。。 新的冒险(New Path New Adventure)

03-01-2011-07-01-2011:开学的 第 一 天又来临咯。。 小颖与大家又相遇了。。不过分班到不同的班级了 我是进中四数学班咯。。 哈哈。。 不过也有拿高级数学,会计,经济学和中国文学。由于 我的华语不好。。 所以尽力而为啦。。。 哈哈哈。。 刚进班的时候 蛮会伤脑筋的咯。。 哈哈。。 不过也算了。 哈哈 那么先说我的班吧。。 对我来说很多新人。。 至少一半。 哈哈。 虽然是很 陌生。。 不过。 我觉得。 新一天。。 新开始。。 新的朋友。。 哈哈 觉得好没有自信的。哈哈哈哈
各位。 加油吧。。2011的旅程展开了

Subbed:First Day of School Reopen is arrived Yugi and Friends Were meet in school again...but Split to not same class which is Science Stream,Maths Stream,Art Stream and Account Stream...
Yugi Choose Form 4 Maths Stream(4M)Class...haha at least he take
Additional Maths,Accounting,Economics and Chinese Literature..because of my chinese not good enough so i must put effort of it haha...Before go in to the class is very troublesome..haha Its over for me...now introduce our Class 4M2...for me is a lot of new faces but not least if half friends i knew...haha Although is not very ok but This is my New Day,new Adventure,New Friends haha but this time no Confidence about it haha Anyway,All of you~ make an all-out effort
2011 of Adventure Begins

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