Friday, January 7, 2011

Part 2-满足与教师和学生的问候(Meet and Greet of Teachers)

07-01-2011-10-01-2011:开学也要一个星期了哦......希望大家还过得安乐和平凡的生活....我也不例外和我的中四班级.......哈哈哈......也不忘本2010年的毕业生相处的机会比较鲜少了.....觉得变了很多尤其是朋友之间的关系有一个很不密切的感觉.....有时候...真的很孤单......没有了朋友.....觉得进入绝望的黑暗了...好吧.......继续我们的故事吧.........我们的班还是不相识哦......除了自己 认识的朋友......不过我相信久而久之...班上 会成为 最吵的一班哦...哈哈哈哈哈哈...先说我的老师吧..........有些老师对我来说...是个很不错的老师...今年的老师比较幸运咯....哈哈哈.....不过有迟课=.= 哈哈.... 没关系那么下个星期就是色队练习......大家......加油吧.....别给自己压力咯!

Subbed:After One Week of School Reopen...Hope Yugi And Friends Also flies well-being and an extraordinary life...Including me and my Form 4 Classes..hahaha...Not forgetting the graduates in 2010 compared rarely the opportunity to be together.. That changed a lot, especially the relationship between friends there is a quite closely feeling....sometimes feel lonley ... no friends Feel Despair into the darkness....Ok....Continue our story...We did not know each other yet...In addition to his acquaintances......but I think After some time...the class will be the most noisy class forever.....hahahahahaha...About our Teachers....Some Teachers for me is a good and kind teacher..This Year of teacher is lucky year....hahaha....But got late class=.=haha....Nevermind,
Next Week is our House Pratice........Now everyone......Come not give yourself the pressure slightly!

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