Saturday, January 15, 2011

Part 4-第1次决战的课外活动 (First Battle of Co-curiculum)

12-01-2011-15-01-2011:第二个星期已经过去了.......好...继续我们这个故事。。。觉得伤感吧。。 只会睡觉的我还会听课哦。。。 哈哈哈哈哈。。那么初次的课外活动在今天也开始了哦。。。。。 觉得课外活动好过上课日。。 因为爱睡。。 而最开心的是我们的历史老师。。 很会叫学生宝贝。 其实是很普通。。。。因为开玩笑嘛。。 哈哈。。 我们的5D's的决门学会也开始了首先最高兴的是认识了更多新手决门者。。。 哈哈哈哈哈。。 明天再续哦。。。因为有游戏王决门学会的活动开始了。。。 各位。。。。。。加油吧!!!!!
Subbed:The 2nd week is past already...well continue our story....
Feel sad now...for me always sleep at class also can hear teacher teaching...hahahaha...well then the first of co-curiculum start today.....
feel that co-curiculum better than school days because of sleepy...but the most happy is my History Teacher always call students"baby"Actually is normal because of play fun haha Our Team 5D's of Duelist club begins First of all the most happy is knew many Beginner Duelist....hahahahaa Starting Tomorrow...because Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Club Activities begins~My Friends~Add Oil!!!!!!

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